Sniffles, scrapes, a thrown coffee mug, a mud party, smooshed banana hair pomade and 2 baths into our day, Ben and I finally made it to dinnertime. To be honest it felt like it would never arrive! After eating several stalks of broccoli and some roasted potatoes with winter veggies, a proud mama stripped Ben down to his diaper to have at some banana-strawberry yogurt.
The learning task du jour seems to be feeding himself with utensils, which can be tedious and endearing at once. After an amazingly clean run at it, I wiped off Ben's hair and face and let him play in the kitchen while I ran to check Abby's blog (I have permission to read it!). It was hilarious and I was laughing out loud, and catching up on pictures that had been posted since I first found it, thought it was private and never went back to it.
In the midst of enjoying a wee bit of space, Ben started talking to me from behind the kitchen gate. Curiously enough, his little head was peeking around, but I couldn't see more than that. A hunch in my tummy told me to get up and look, and to my dismay I found my munchkin naked with a dirty diaper on the floor and number 2 smeared all over several unsavory parts of his body, as well as my floor and the gate.
My biggest dilemma of the day had been whether to mop or not, and I was thrilled to have chosen to veer away from clean-freakishness, give up some control and give myself and ENTIRE day off (dishes excluded). How quickly these plans were dashed!
The new biggest dilemma was how to pick him up, transport him, clean him and then the floors without a) me gagging or crying, b) him wiping his goods on me, or c) him barging in on the kitchen cleaning and partaking in smearfest II and having to start the whole process over again.
To all of you moms who need to feel like you have it all together, just come hang out with'll feel great!
To everyone, I do apologize that my first blog is about poop. Obviously, I do not have it together. I signed up for this in 6/07! Ha! Introductions another time.
I love you.sorry i wasnt there!
Love Jerrad
I look forward to the day Jillian does the same! *alison
welcome to the world of bloggers and welcome to the world of boys!!! ethan used to do this very thing in his crib at nap time. several times i would walk by the quiet room and smell poop. him, the crib, the walls and whatever else he could touch would be covered in smeared, dried poop!! thankfully the phase doesn't last. i'm just impressed that you had so many yummy things to serve him for dinner. poor owen gets whatever is left on my plate.
Ha ha! That was what was left on my plate.
You can't fool me pulled-pesto-pork girl!
Alison, I don't think Jillian will do that-- she's too sweet!!
i have actually lived this very episode and i am always faced with the same dilema- either gag or get pooped- or both! it's worse when it's vomit though.
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